Engler Hotel-Étterem

9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Partos u.64, Hungary


Fax: +36-96-566-425
E-mail: englerhotel@gmail.com.no spam
Three star hotel
3000-6400 HUF/person/night

In the western door of Hungary, 6 km from the Austrian and 13 km from the Slovakian border, in Mosonmagyaróvár, next to the river Danube, but close to the center of the city. Only 2000 m from the motorway the Engler Hotel Restaurant awaits you.
Our 15 rooms have their own atmosphere, and are ideal for families making a holiday, and for tired travellers as well. You can have a delicious meal in our Restaurant or a cold beer in our beer-garden under the giant, old trees next to the river-bank. Don't hesitate! Be our Guest!

Engler Hotel-Étterem, Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary

Map position: 100; 86

#1 Tourist Info Hungary: hotels in Mosonmagyarovar, Hungary

#1 Tourist Info Hungary: hotels in Hungary

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