Gyopár Hotel**

5904 Orosháza-Gyopárosfürdő, Hűvös u. 13., Hungary


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One or two star hotel, Bed & breakfast, inn
4975-6200 HUF/person/night

Our two-star hotel has been built on an area of 2.500sqm on the shore of the rowing pond, about 350-400m far from the baths. We have 14 air-conditioned rooms furnished in an exacting way. We can provide lodging for 35+5 guests. Our two ground-floor rooms are furnished with disabled facilities; consequently, they are accessible with wheelchairs. The rooms are equipped with television sets, satellite based receiver-transmitter units and minibars. The bathrooms are roomy and supplied with shower stalls. Downstairs drinkbar, eating-place and sauna stand at our guests service. We provide breakfast (enlarged continental or smorgasbord) and halfboard and we are family frendly. There are grilling facilities in the yard.

Gyopár Hotel**, Orosháza-Gyopárosfürdő, Hungary

Map position: 334; 223

#1 Tourist Info Hungary: hotels in Oroshaza-Gyoparosfurdo, Hungary

#1 Tourist Info Hungary: hotels in Hungary

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